21st Century Islamic Terrorism – France

Above is a collection of images from all over Europe. There is barely a nation within the borders of Europe which has not had a taste of Islamic extremism, but France most of all, has objectively suffered the worst of it. Even Wikipedia (which you can imagine, gives a lowball estimate) confesses France has suffered the greatest affliction of the plague known as Islam. Conservative estimates suggest the modern era has seen France hit at the very least 82 separate times, with hundreds dead.

This does not include the toll from a culture of rioting migrants, murders, and so on. If you include everything, one may imagine a death toll in the thousands. By the most conservative of calculations, that is, the generic academic definition of “terrorism”, at least 332 people are dead.

And then there’s the psychological impact upon a nation. According to the Pew Research Centre, 91% of polling French people expressed a fear of IS related terror attacks alone, at the height of issue in 2016.

Why is there such an intense loathing towards France among Muslim kind, and why is there such a trend towards violence within it? Some Islamic apologists attempt to blame what transpired during colonial history, or even during more recent military interventions, neverminding the fact that France was against the 2003 invasion of Iraq. As anyone knows, the massacring of random individuals in your host nation doesn’t right a perceived wrong from generations ago, so this is no excuse, especially given that most European powers had a colonial presence.

The actual reality of why things are as bad as they are in France compared to elsewhere primarily boil down to a demographic issue. French authorities try to obscure this fact, as their national census, unlike many other nations, generally does not collect data on ethnicity and religion, so information has to be inspected by other means. The reality however, is hard to deny for any of those living on ground zero, or for those who visit the parts of Paris where the problems most lie.



Many speak of the “great replacement” of whites within Europe, but in few places is it as distinctly visible as within France. And it’s not just in terms of how the population appears, either. The end result of demographic issues, as well as economic mismanagement have resulted in one of the crown jewels of Europe looking like a garbage dump, plagued by impoverished ethnic enclaves and migrant camps. Even as far back as 2010, which was before the peak of the migrant flood, in metropolitan Paris, 24% of newborns were born to at least one non-native parent. That’s a quarter of the whole population, and rapidly climbing (sourced from the Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies).



What you see, is a society eroding from a population of Muslims who simply never wished to integrate into their host society. French unemployment was always higher than other European nations like the UK and Germany, and as anyone knows, youth unemployment will always aggravate existing social issues. Generation by generation of people living without certain options will inevitably breed contempt for the host nation, though we believe the picture of poverty for Muslims is skewed and does not tell the whole story.

Nobody in these enclaves is being exposed to actual French society, but instead a seething hatred passed down from parent-to-child. And as is typical of any lower-class Muslim population in Europe, they will generally out breed the natives, and the borders of these enclaves will grow, and their violence will spill out into the surrounding regions. Blame, of course, also has to fall upon the government as well. Not only for allowing unchecked migration in the first place, but in many cases, even encouraging it. Reasons can range from a direct, conspiratorial attack upon the white population, all the way to the government being willing to make use of cheap, borderline slave labor for the small minority of these people who actually do work.

Then, there is of course the more symbolic issue at play. France is well-regarded as one of the truest bastions of Western culture, and its concepts of freedom and liberty. Even the Statue of Liberty itself is French in origin. Indeed, France was one of the first European nations to truly offer a well-justified fury aimed at the Catholic Church, and was one of the first powers to really pull itself out of the darkness of the Christian darkness of the medieval era. France is, for all intents and purposes, a true Renaissance nation, and its contribution to culture, ideas and aesthetics have defined much of the Western world.

To the Muslim mind, however, this “French secularity” has been perceived as yet another insult. Though these are generalizations, France has had a certain memetic identity, with Paris being the “City of Love”, and expressions of such being open. Freer notions of sexuality, love of art and music, these are all the lights of life that cause any devout Muslim a great displeasure. As you will soon see, French honesty and openness has riled up the Islamic world more than once, and for any budding Muslim terrorist, there’s few greater symbolic targets, than striking one of the true heartlands of the West that represents so many of the things they despise.

These myriad of factors have lead to the situation we have seen expressed time and time again over the last decades. The truth is however, you do need centuries or decades to watch things truly unspool. Here, you will see examples taken from a period of less than two years. Any reader should keep well in mind how bad things can get, and how quickly, when you’re dealing with the plague of Islam.

This saga begins with the attacks on Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical weekly magazine, on January 7th, 2015. This was not the first time Charlie Hebdo had riled up the Muslim world, nor the Abrahamic world at large, given it had also targeted Christian and Jewish ideas.

In 2011 and 2012, French embassies the world over had to close their doors out of fear of reprisal from Charlie Hebdo having published this particular magazine cover.

The edited title is obviously a dig at Sharia Law, and for those who don’t speak French, this depiction of the Prophet Muhammad is proclaiming “100 lashes if you don’t die of laughter!”

Naturally, in November of 2011, its offices were firebombed. Separation of Church and State has been reality in France since 1905, however, because Islam has deemed itself the world blasphemy police, even non-Muslim nations cannot express themselves freely. Considering depictions of the Prophet Muhammad aren’t even banned by the Quran itself by technicality (though generally agreed upon as forbidden in Islam regardless) you can imagine what they do over things that are banned. If you’re reading this, you’re obviously aware that blasphemy in Islam is generally punishable by death, and the 2011 firebombings were sadly only a prelude of what was to come in 2015.

French-born Algerian brothers, claiming to be members of Al-Qaeda, stormed Rue Nicolas-Appert Street in Paris, on the hunt for the staff of Charlie Hebdo, who were holding a weekly editorial meeting. They initially barged into the wrong building. However, after leaving, they encountered Charlie Hebdo cartoonist Corinne Rey and her young daughter. Both were put at gunpoint, and she was forced to enter the passcode to the building under threat of death.

In the subsequent raid of the building, 12 were shot dead, and 11 more were injured. One particular woman was spared, on the apparent condition offered by one of the gunmen that she “convert to Islam, read the Quran, and wear a hijab.”

As expected, this attack triggered a wave of other Islamic attacks over the course of the next days. If this tells you anything, it’s that many Muslims are simply waiting for the opportunity to arise to attack their host nations. If violence ever outbreaks on a mass scale, one could expect precisely that.

This, however, was only the beginning of what would be a terrible year for France, as the Islamic attacks of November 2015 was the deadliest incident on French soil since World War II itself.

This time, the attack was far more widescale, and far more orchestrated. Beginning just past 9pm on the 13th, three suicide bombers struck outside the Stade de France Stadium during a football match, after having failed to gain entry. Another separate group of attackers fired on a multitude of separate cafes and restaurants across Paris. Yet another group, perpetuated a mass shooting and hostage situation at a concert in Bataclan theatre. The attackers were either shot dead, or self-detonated.

130 people were killed. 416 were injured, 100 of those almost critically.

IS claimed responsibility for the attack, all planned by a terrorist cell in Belgium, most of the attackers either being born there or in France itself, having trained as militants in Syria, before entering Europe again within the migrant flood.

After this, France declared a three month long state of emergency. Mere months later, however, France would be struck by terror yet again.

July 14th for the French is Bastille Day. Symbolically, this day is meant to represent French brotherhood, freedom and liberty, though it’s expressed in a day of leisure, family and celebration. Given that such things are an insult to Islam and its Prophet, it was only going to be so long before one terrorist or another took their opportunity.

In the evening, after the traditional fireworks, a 19-tonne cargo truck was driven into the crowds on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. Hundreds were immediately and violently run down, killing 84 immediately, and injuring 434 more. 14 children were among the slain, one young as 4.


The perpetrator, a Tunisian born Muslim, was found to have had material pertaining to the last attacks on his personal devices, including the aforementioned cover of Charlie Hebdo. ISIL, again, claimed responsibility, and admitted the obvious. That when they call, passionate Muslims answer.

Below is a link to the initial footage of the event.


Needless to say, within a such a short span of time, France had been thrown into chaos, forced to face the horrible reality of what transpires when Western liberty is gnawed at from the inside by the cancer of Islam.

Time and time again, you’ll see the same reality. Christian leaders promoting unity with Islam, telling people to lay down and simply accept this reality. For the Charlie Hebdo attack, the Pope himself dared to blame the victims, saying one “shouldn’t provoke” the Muslim horde for fear of reprisal, that there were limits on freedom that should not be crossed as not to offend.

This, among a thousand other reasons, is why the French people need to remind themselves why they cast off the shackles of Christianity to begin with. No matter the horrors, the French must always remember themselves as one of the great torchbearers of liberty and Western ideal. Things in Paris may look bleak, and the consequences of what has been done cannot be understated, but if France can triumphantly march from the dark ages into the light of the Renaissance with such grace, they can arise from this as well.
