Pedophilia in Islam… vs. the West – Introduction

One of the biggest lies that Muslims and various types of non-Muslim Islamophiles (we shall call them ‘dhimmis’ on here) push is that Islam is a remedy for all kinds of sexual ills gone ‘out of control’ in the west.

In particular, the history of sexual deviance in Islam (particularly sex with underage children, which we will show is allowed by the Qu’ran) is completely absent from the discussion while highlighting whatever severe issue is going on in the west.

Indeed, these issues in the West are severe. On Islamicevil, we will never deny this as it is a crime in the eyes of the Gods. All kinds of boundaries with children subjected to endless sexualization and pornography have been transgressed since the 1960s. Prior to that, we remind you, the Church abused children copiously in private. For example, 216,000 children in France have been abused by priests, according to CAISE, with 2,000+ abusers.

Countries such as Ethiopia still struggle with endemic child marriage, despite being Christian and not Islamic.

Nothing said about Islam and pedophilia here is meant to get historical Christianity or whatever sick modern movement of the West off the hook. There are many manifestations of the latter:

Child pageant girls. Some of these girls even undergo minor plastic surgery like Botox to be aesthetically appealing. 

Boys (?) in drag performing a sexualized routine in Spain at an LGBT parade. 

Nine-year-old girl in Japan undergoing an eyelid surgery. Her mother, who was called ugly her entire life before she had it done, arranged it to beautify her appearance. 

No words for this one. Just INSANE!

It was estimated in 2011 that 30% of girls’ clothing is sexualized in major sales trends. This has been a widespread problem since the 1990s. Due to Etsy and other wholesalers, this problem has now gotten worse.

Then there is the ‘trans kids’ phenomenon, where children who have little conception of what they want to be tomorrow, let alone in six decades, are not just sexualized but castrated for life:

“Children as young as nine who believe that they are transgender can be prescribed sex change hormones, according to new “best practice” international guidelines.”


These are sick and ugly phenomena regardless of which ‘wing’ of politics is pushing it as normal. The intention is irrelevant – even if those involved in pushing the above don’t have pedophilic feelings and are just invested in making money or making their children ‘prettier’ for example, they are creating gray boundary zones of extreme impropriety for children. Childhood is a period of innocence and growth that is meant to also have proper and rigid boundaries.

Yet many are totally unaware that Islam will lead to more of the same and even worse. Islam is not devoid of pedophilia just because it doesn’t have open imagery such as the above. This is where people, especially those with extreme hatred and resentment against the way things are in the West, get seriously confused.

They look at images of little girls in hijabs and think this is some sort of form of social propriety. Now – obviously – for some Muslims, that is actually possible. Muslims, especially those blending Islam with modern attitudes unconsciously, do not necessarily operate with the worst intentions.


Think about this purely – if hijab is meant to function as a form of modesty repelling men, why would you require girls long before their period to wear it?

Why would anyone do this?

Westerners are also taught from a young age that every person on Earth shares the same ‘normal’ attitudes as them, including generally entrenched attitudes towards children being devoid of sexuality. That is a really naive attitude even in relation to other Westerners, but subconsciously, this gives Westerners the idea that all Muslims are similar to Europeans overall with proper attitudes towards children.

Indeed, some Muslims do have modern attitudes towards children that they themselves even ‘assume’ are Islamic, but many don’t. Sometimes this is systematically camoflaged as well. A Muslim can present a Western ‘outlook’ on children in public, while their private life is full of the horrors Islam mandates.

Many non-Muslims are aware of the example of Aisha being six years old and some of the violence against girls, but this is still understated and taboo to even speak about, encouraging the above perception.

People are not aware of the breadth of sexual violence towards all children historically, not just in the texts, nor are they aware of other incidents known within the Islamic world in particular.

The truth is that Islam has also been synonymous with pederasty, grooming and violation of young boys since the beginning. If anything, it is one of the original ‘groomer’ sects along with the institutionalized Christianity of the past and the modern degenerative movements to groom children that makes vulnerable young boys seriously mentally disturbed.

Nothing about Islam is formulated in any kind of consent. Everything it does amounts to compulsion.

As with Eid al-Adha, Islam’s ‘efforts’ towards ruining children as always amounts to a massive attack on Azazel in particular. Azazel, who was Apollo in the old religions, guards the rights of children and the young zealously.

The Gods do not look kindly upon pedophilia from predatory adults. It should be evident that no one on Earth can meaningfully physically engage with sex prior to menstruation or ejaculation as that is a total oxymoron.

People don’t even seek out sex prior to these markers as they don’t have the drives. People are not meant to do even Magick before these markers, either. There is a whole list of things appropriate for children and certain things are not meant to be countenanced, even if much of the human population at any given moment ignores this.

If post-pubescents beyond these markers were able to ‘consent’, clearly, they would generally go with people their own age, as kids this age sometimes go after their peers, and not a dirty old man like Muhammad!

In terms of both boys and girls, Islam pushes aggressive sexuality upon innocents unable to comprehend anything. Islam is saturated with and obsessed from top-to-bottom with unconsensual and illegal sex. We have already spoken about bestiality, necrophilia and incest, which are abominations in the eyes of our Gods..

To say this ruinous to anyone’s sexuality at core is really an understatement. It shouldn’t shock people that Islamic countries constantly fall down in endless destruction, other than those wealthy and modernized enough to pave over some of the cracks. Proper direction of sexuality is necessary for the Kundalini, but also basic sanity, security and trust.

Prior to westernisation, no Islamic country had an ‘age of consent’. Take a moment to seriously think about this. Even depraved Xian Europe had these past a certain point, despite some of these being dramatically low. THIS IS IN THE FILTHY QU’RAN!

What is the real yardstick of consent in Islam?

Islamic scholars agree that silence is consent.

Silence, alone, is considered to be 1:1 with consent. Not the age you reach, not physical maturity, not verbal affirmations like ‘yes’ or ‘no’, JUST SILENCE!!!

حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يُوسُفَ، حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ، عَنِ ابْنِ جُرَيْجٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ أَبِي مُلَيْكَةَ، عَنْ أَبِي عَمْرٍو ـ هُوَ ذَكْوَانُ ـ عَنْ عَائِشَةَ ـ رضى الله عنها ـ قَالَتْ قُلْتُ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ يُسْتَأْمَرُ النِّسَاءُ فِي أَبْضَاعِهِنَّ قَالَ ‏”‏ نَعَمْ ‏”‏‏.‏ قُلْتُ فَإِنَّ

الْبِكْرَ تُسْتَأْمَرُ فَتَسْتَحِي فَتَسْكُتُ‏.‏ قَالَ ‏”‏ سُكَاتُهَا إِذْنُهَا ‏”‏‏.‏


I asked the Prophet, “O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)! Should the women be asked for their consent to their marriage?” He said, “Yes.” I said, “A virgin, if asked, feels shy and keeps quiet.” He said, “Her silence means her consent.”


Hadith 7, Book 85, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Muhammad al-Bukhari



Do Western feminists agitating for men aged 16-45 to come here, who want those believing these things to flood their countries get any of this? We do not think so.

In the West, according to these people, it’s necessary to sign a contract with lawyers present to have sex… Yet for the ‘deen’, SILENCE IS CONSENT.

In the end, one has to think about it this way. It is much harder for someone to gain a real and enduring love through hard work opposed to holding someone at gunpoint for decades and forcing them to stay when they were procured at an age where they cannot understand sexuality.

Opposed to ‘just’ being some medical disorder belonging to a tiny amount of freaks, this issue that comes from lowest drives is a major part of what fuels crimes against children in Islam, because the religion itself deliberately rolls out the red carpet to facilitate it.

It was DESIGNED that way. The source of Islam, the enemy, glorifies everything negative and evil like this, writing it into Islam!

According to Rabbi Joseph (M.Nid. 5:4):. Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. (





[JG] Karnonnos