Islam and Male Genital Mutilation (Castration)

Castration is another endless feature of horrors in Islam that overlaps with the similar filth spread by Xians. Slavic (Saqaliba) and Nubian slave boys were often subjected to this practice, but many others were involved too. The purpose of these eunuchs was to serve as palace guards and courtiers, but also guardians of women, something that continued into the Ottoman era with the infamous black and white harem guards.

One may think also that boys were castrated ‘on site’ in Islamic Spain. No. Despite what liberals may tell us about Islamic technology with medicine, the procedures for castration in Islamic lands were wanting and left most of the unfortunae slaves dead. In fact, they were taken from Xian Europe, taken to specialized castration units operating on Muslim requests, castrated, then brought there!

Muslims supposedly came across the idea of castration when they invaded ‘Byzantium’, which enacted this procedure, as this is permitted in Christianity.

Prague in modern day Czechia functioned as a major center for transport and castration of boy slaves. Radhanite Jews generally procured and performed the operation on Slavic, Finnish and Baltic male slaves, for import to Al-Andalus (Islamic Spain) or occasionally to Christian ‘Byzantium’. The shit-scum Pope, the so-called ‘defender of Europe’, abetted and encouraged this trade in child eunuchs decades prior to Muhammad’s “existence”.


Traditionally, the slave traders acquiring the slaves in Prague and transporting them to the slave market of al-Andalus are said to have been dominated by the Jewish Radhanite merchants.  Pope Gelasius (492) permitted Jews to transport slaves from Gaul to Italy on the condition that they were Pagans, and by the time of Pope Gregory the Great (590-604), Jews were a dominating actor in the slave trade.


The slaves were transported to Al-Andalus via France. While the church discouraged [my note: lie] the sale of Christian slaves to Muslims, the sale of Pagans to Muslims was not met with such opposition. White European slaves were viewed as luxury goods in Al-Andalus, where they could be sold for as much as 1,000 dinars, a substantial price.

           Wikipedia, citing Jewish Life in the Middle Ages by Israel Abrahams and Slaves from the North by J. Korpela


The rulers had to ensure no one had sex with their women.

It was not enough to simply sever the cords or remove the testicles, everything was ripped off:


Unfortunately, these methods did not fit the bill for the eunuchs required for service in Muslim palaces or harems. It was not enough for somebody to claim that a eunuch’s testicles were useless and damaged beyond repair. Nor was it sufficient for the testicles to be removed. Before a eunuch could be used, an inspection had to be carried out to confirm that not only were the testicles and scrotum completely absent, but that the whole of the penis had also been amputated. More than that, periodic inspections were carried out to ensure that the penis had not started to grow back (Ayalon, 1999).

The reason for being so ruthless about the extent of castration is that even with the testicles removed, it is sometimes possible for a man to have an erection of such firmness that he is able to have intercourse. Radical castrations in which scarcely even the stump of the removed penis are left proved to be the most effective way of ensuring that the women of the harem were left unmolested by those whose duty it was to guard them.

Cutting off both penis and testicles can easily cause a person to bleed to death. Even if this does not happen, the risk of subsequent infection is very great. This was particularly the case before there was any clear understanding of how infection spreads and at a time when there were no antibiotics to treat it, even if it developed and was correctly diagnosed. This is one factor which greatly contributed to the high number of deaths from this treatment. One method devised to make amputations as clean and hygienic as possible, introduced another risk. This was cauterisation with a red-hot iron as soon as the body part had been removed, which prevented excessive bleeding by sealing up the open ends of the severed blood vessels. This worked well enough when cutting off a hand or foot, but was not practicable with radical castrations as it would lead to scarring and obstruction of the urethra. The possibility of scar tissue or strictures forming in the urethra and so preventing the bladder from draining was in any case high. If this happened, then the bladder could simply burst, with consequences which were invariably fatal. If, three days after the operation, the man or boy was unable to urinate then, ‘the passages have become swollen and nothing can save him’ (Penzer, 2005). Metal plugs could be inserted immediately after the penis had been cut off, in an attempt to prevent the urethra from closing during healing, but this was still a chancy business.

Problems with the urinary tract, at least in the short term, could often be prevented by inserting a small plug in the urethra, immediately after the penis had been removed. This was kept in for three days and the boy not allowed to drink liquid or urinate during that time. When the plug was removed and urine flowed, then the danger of death by a ruptured bladder had passed. From then on, and for the rest of his life, the castrated boy would either have to sit or squat in order to urinate. Incontinence was a frequent disability and for some the plug became a permanent feature of their lives, only being removed when it was necessary to void the bladder. Many suffered leakage at other times and it was not uncommon for a eunuch to smell of urine.

Simon Webb, The Forgotten Slave Trade


If anyone thinks the horror of pederasty is ‘impossible’, consider why you think having sex with boys is off-limits, given they already were engaging in CUTTING THEIR GENITALS OFF?


The solution to the difficulties… which prevented Muslims from making their own eunuchs was to engage slave traders in Europe to provide a ready-made product which could then be purchased, already castrated and in good health. These eunuchs were manufactured in Europe, from pre-pubescent European boys and the history of the vile trade has almost been forgotten today.

In Venice and the city of Verdun ‘castration houses’ were set up to produce eunuchs for export to Egypt and other Muslim countries.

Simon Webb, The Forgotten Slave Trade


Stupid historians also blame this on the Vikings alone. The major witness to the medieval eunuch trade who bought eunuchs for the Byzantine emperor’s pleasure, Liutprand, only refers to ‘traders at Verdun’ who make huge profits from frequently travelling to Islamic Spain. Any Verdun spoken of was in the middle of Catholic France and well away from the Vikings.

This mirrors the latter practice centuries later in Italy of the ‘castrati’ who sang church hymns and ‘heroic’ operatic roles, where 40,000 boys were castrated each year, yet no visitor to Italy was ever able to find the perpetrators, only signs saying ‘BOYS CASTRATED HERE’.

Under the Ottomans, Coptic xian monasteries in Egypt also had specialized centers of castration where they cut the genitals of black boys from Nubia for Muslim export. More than half the boys died in gruesome terror.


I cannot begin to inform you of how catastrophic this ‘operation’ was. Firstly, since the castration was often total, the slaves in their majority died an agonizing death holding in their urine. Most were varyingly incontinent for life.

As they would grow older, their bones would commonly not stop forming or modelling, not having the biological cues to do so that in a normal person stops after puberty is complete, creating a freakish appearance of being very wide. Jaw bones, shoulder bones, legs and ribcages would grow to very large extents. Sometimes, eunuchs remained the same size as children or not much higher, but this was rare.

Absence of any secondary sex hormones made osteoporosis and other kinds of bone disorders inevitable, leading to endless broken bones.

The psychological factors were immense, in addition to that, many of these were subjected to abuse or forced sex, despite their castration.

Isn’t this strange for the three Abrahamic sects supposedly ‘at war’ with each other? How come they are ALWAYS able to come together to exploit and destroy children?

[JG] Karnonnos