Islam, the Abrahamic Blood Death Cult: What Islam Really Is [Hp. Hoodedcobra666]

Articles like this one are being removed from the Internet. The article was from Daily Mail UK, and was removed after sometime, in the general spirit of “Not Insulting Islam”.

The West and Europeans are told that “Islam is a religion of peace” and that “We must Respect Islam”. In Islam, the jewish Rabbi Jesus is accepted as a heavenly prophet, and to insult “Jesus in Islam” is equal to death.

Of course the head “Prophet of Islam”, is Mohammed; a man who had sex with women in graves (dead women), had a 6 year old wife, and preached destruction and Jihad against the “Heathens” or “Pagans” of his time – the studied men, women and previous heads of the mostly peaceful Arabic Religions.

Oftentimes, we Spiritual Satanists hear that “Satan is the one who demands blood Rituals”, “Satanists do blood living sacrifices!”, “Satanists are evil and violent minions of Satan the master of evil”.

Meanwhile, Islamists and Jews in particular, do endless sacrifices, blood Rituals, and mass slaughter of animals. That is not to forget they also espouse religiously rampant pedophilia.
All of what they do, they then project to their enemies through obvious lying. People who make no research, believe these lies of their at face value.

There is truly no information to give credence to this. Even a few fools who accepted the Islamic and Jewish statements on “What Satan is”, have been non-existent in numbers. None of this exists in “Satan’s Side”.

No such evil existed; even the most deceived people who followed jewish accounts on these topics, have been few to none in number.
The Truth is in front of your eyes. Join the Ancient Gods and stop believing the lies we are all being told. The religions that stem from Judaism are the ultimate evil of the earth.

Here are a few pictures attached from the now removed article.

High Priest Hoodedcobra 666