Islamic Persecution of Hindus in Pakistan

The oppression of Hindus in Pakistan is as ugly as it is ignored on the world stage. Frequently, you’ll hear of India’s apparent mistreatment of Muslims reported in the media. Everyone, is of course, expected to sympathize with the Muslims and admonish India, regardless of the fact crimes a thousand times worse are being perpetuated upon what few Hindus remain in Pakistan. Even in trying to research this article, I was assaulted by search results decrying “Hindu nationalists”.

The BBC and other organizations relentlessly promote a pro-Pakistan and pro-Islam viewpoint. Although we support any venting towards invasions from Westerners who are besieged in their own ancestral lands or to make observations, one can also observe online in the past few years that racial commentary towards Hindus is interestingly tolerated on all forms of social media, compared with antagonism towards virtually any other racial group being met with a swift police response and social media mobs cancelling whatever person for the most asinine racial bias.

The unfortunate stupidity of many Indians in supporting Israel only has amplified this as this galvanizes the pro-Palestine ‘activists’ into opportunistically abandoning their so called “anti-racist” tenets to call for them to be exterminated en masse. Regardless, our Gods are absolute in condemnation of the people of the Bible. Association with these for any purpose, including anti-Islamic ones, only leads to more evil and this is only one example.

Meanwhile, however, in Pakistan, young girls are routinely abducted from their families, forced to convert under torture as they’re then married off to some thuggish Muslim degenerate to a life of misery, joining other girls as one wife among many, as is the Islamic norm.

Of course, the Prophet Muhammad himself left a fine historical example for his followers of what to do when you rule a predominantly Muslim nation and have a community of non-Muslims in it. Humiliation, taxes, rape, death, exile. Should it be any surprise that his modern day adherents continue to follow this example? He is, after all, the “Last Prophet”, the thing you should follow to be a true Muslim. His example, in their mind, will last throughout eternity.

Oftentimes, these world powers will attempt to save face by declaring that they have just laws protecting these communities. Indeed, constitutional documents across the decades suggest as such. By law, there’s provision for non-Muslims to freely profess and practice their religion. The reality on the ground however, is far bleaker. There’s no external force holding Pakistan to its word, and the nation itself has only regressed in its values since its independence from colonial rule.

As of today, only a rough 2%~ of the population of Pakistan is still Hindu, the vast majority located in the border province of Sindh, which, like elsewhere in Pakistan, used to have a Hindu majority. Hindu culture and religion in the region stretches back untold thousands of years, to the Indus valley civilization and possibly beyond. Society in Sindh itself was contemporary even to Mesopotamia. Now, the adherents who cling to the last vestiges of the ancient faith have been driven down to a minority even in the region where most of them reside.

Worse, many of them are of the “untouchable” class. Individuals without land, bonded to their masters, toiling away on the lands of Muslim overlords called “Jagirdars”, a term that’s been around since the Mughal Empire. Even those in the more urban quadrants still work cheap, menial labor jobs and have little to no social mobility. Descendents of the once notable Maratha Empire are now, quite literally, reduced to scrubbing the toilets of their supposed Islamic superiors. One unsubstantiated (albeit, in my opinion, highly believable) anecdote from the year 2000 involved a Pakistani Captain beating one of these Maratha Hindus for not polishing his shoes properly, and then proceeding to force him to eat human feces. Then, apparently, he was chopped to pieces within mere days for exposing this crime against him.

Make little mistake however, things have only gotten worse in Sindh. One slightly higher profile case from the middle of 2023 involved three daughters of a Hindu businessman all being abducted and forcibly converted before being married off. The authorities did nothing. If you expected sympathy from other Muslims, you would instead find the opposite. This, in fact, only emboldened local Islamists, with a Hindu temple coming under fire from rocket launchers.

(Sourced from: )

Repeating what has been said already, for all the hatred and loathing levied at India for its behavior, how often, exactly, do you hear of Hindus abducting Muslims and forcing them to convert to Hinduism, and then marry Hindu men? How often do you hear about international Hindu terrorism? Pakistan, meanwhile, has produced some of the worst foreign Jihadists of the modern era, not only from Pakistan itself, but in its diaspora in the UK, France, Canada and other areas.

To quote Asma Jahangir, a human rights activist in Pakistan:

If Muslims in India constantly crib to have no say and no power, they should come to Pakistan to see the plight of minority Hindus with their own eyes. They’ll never complain and learn to live peacefully with their Hindu brethren in India.

On the other side of things, there’s a belief perpetuated among certain Muslim cultures where they genuinely believe they’ll get those oft-mentioned 72 virgins in heaven if they convert a Hindu to Islam. Further making note of the hypocrisy, there are plenty of Muslims occupying positions of power in India, even in the Defense Forces. Generally, there are laws allowing this, even protecting them.

What laws protect Hindus in Pakistan? Evidently none.

In February of 2023, 14 year old Meena Bhatt was abducted by three Pakistani Muslims, again in the Sindh province. Naturally, her father reported this crime as a kidnapping. There’s meant to be a law which protects children from marriage, so long as they’re below 18. The girl’s family proceeded to produce evidence she was born in 2009. Instead, the court chose to determine on its own grounds that the girl was “somewhere between 17 and 18” and thus the marriage was wholly legal. As such, Meena was (legally, in the eyes of Pakistani law), handed over to her abductor, converter and rapist.

Double standards like this are omnipresent the world over. Muslims are handled with silken gloves, but Hindus are treated with disdain and willful ignorance. The world will open wide its ears for every Islamic grievance coming out of India, but over in Pakistan, Muslim thugs are going as far as to throw condoms filled with semen at Hindu homes and temples. They’ll even walk past known Hindus and jab them in public with HIV infected needles.

Going back to what was said about non external force holding Pakistan to its constitution, you hear constantly about how certain things are meant to be globally inalienable human rights. For instance, access to water. Again, no. Yet more in Sindh, Hindus of the Meghwar community were denied access to water and then promptly driven out of their village. Where was the UN? Where was anyone? The same world collectively bawled its eyes out over the plight of the Rohingya Muslims had no tears to shed for a Hindu community beaten to breaking point.

(Sourced from: )

Muslims had a simple choice. At an earlier time, there was briefly the concept of a “hostage mindset”. That being, perhaps Muslims should treat Hindus in Pakistan well, to protect Muslims in India in turn. Evidently, if offered the choice between being noble and protecting the interests of their Islamic brothers or simply lashing out in hate and violence on others, a Muslim will choose the latter, which says everything you need to know about what sort of religion Islam is.

What tolerance India has had for its Muslim populations has ultimately been used against it. Given one has had it explained to them at length how disgusting the world’s media bias is, it should come at no surprise forces have been at work crafting it to be exactly this. And they were, of course, the usual suspects.

The Parliament of India, in 2019, passed the Citizenship Amendment Act, to accelerate the pathway for persecuted minority groups to gain citizenship status in nations such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc. As one would logically expect, those belonging to the Muslim majority perpetrating these crimes were not part of the pathway.

Unsurprisingly, well organized protests erupted across India. Some of these forces, included well-funded political parties, like the so-called “Indian National Congress” and the “People’s Front of India” (which, might I add, has been accused of close association with ISIL).

Some of these protests even grew violent enough that people lost their lives, not to mention massive damage to infrastructure and a particular incident where a school bus full of children has stones thrown at it, with further incidents spilling out at the behest of the “students” of the Jamia Millia Islamist group.

(Sourced from: )

What was the culmination of all of this? The Shaheen Bagh protest, which drew thousands upon thousands of Muslims into demonstration, even during the height of the pandemic years. Would it surprise anyone to know an organization linked to George Soros was calling for people to join this demonstration? As it so happens, Soros linked organizations have been attacking Hindu sovereignty for years.

Further reading can, and should be done here:

One should look at this for what it is. A Hindu nation attempts to protect Hindu populations, and foreign forces attempt to undermine it. Imagine how despicable you would have to be, to see a population of people being raped, tortured and oppressed, to then see another nation try to do their part to rescue them, only to then rush to the defense of those doing the raping, torturing and oppression?

As is typically the case, one of the masterminds of the Shaheen Bagh protests was gleefully named one of Time’s 2020 most “influential people of the year”.

All this chaos, over the fact that Muslims from specific countries couldn’t get a slightly faster passport compared to people fleeing violence perpetuated by other Muslims. Yet, nobody bat an eyelid at the fact an 80 year old man in Pakistan had his goons abduct a 10 year old Hindu girl Meena Bajani.

Anti-Hindu sentiment is too intrinsically tied to the identity of modern Pakistan. So-called “anti-blasphemy” laws are treated as excuses to attack anyone not bowing to Islam. Many have confessed to conversion, simply to save their lives. Some pretend to be Islamic in public and remain Hindu at home. But even for those who do convert, Muslims will forever still look down upon them for their time as infidels. You’ll always be second class, in their eyes.

Just in case any doubt whatsoever was remaining, I leave one final link, just so anyone reading truly understands the width and breadth of the oppression.

As has been stated, if Islam ever gets a true foothold in the West, it won’t be long until your religious freedoms are torn away as well. The world has a living example in Pakistan, and it should be heeded as such.
