Most anyone who has heard any criticism aimed towards Muslims is probably aware of the stereotype of Muslim men having sex with goats. It’s probably the most enduring memetic aside from the iconography of the generic bomb-vested terrorist. But why is this the case?


As has been said across multiple other articles already, Muslims enjoy pointing fingers at the West for its supposed immorality. Similar fingers are also pointed at other modern nations like Japan, presumably for its low birth rate. But with those two examples in mind, let’s look at the actual facts with a quote.


“While only 20% of the Middle East people have Internet access, Sarah Michelle Leonard of the American University in Cairo reports that interest in distorted types of sex is far greater there than in the West and Japan.”


If you wish to read further into the source, I’ll leave it here for your convenience.



With that said, the rampancy of bestiality within the Middle East is a multi-faceted issue that can be explained with a few simple glances at Islamic culture.


First off, many distortions within sexuality will occur when the individual is sexually developing during their teenage years. One can, again, mock the West for a myriad of things, but gender segregation tends to be extremely minimal to non-existent. For example, a young boy, will, over the course of his development, see a myriad of women, inside and outside of his family, in various degrees of dress, and owing to a 21st century education (outside of, say, the American Bible Belt), will likely be granted a reasonable, healthy understanding of sex and sexuality with few exceptions. This isn’t to say the West gets everything right (particularly with regards to recent issues on the transgender topic), but generally speaking, most Western children will have a basic understanding of anatomy and reproduction growing up which will help enable normal development.


This isn’t the case for an Islamic child, growing up in say, Pakistan. Gender segregation is a fact of life, from school to the Mosque. Any women seen are entirely garbed in full body blackout robes that make them virtually invisible to the naked eye. Sex, in general, is treated as a taboo, and a myriad of bizarre superstitions surrounding women, menstruation and so on, combined with an absolute lack of education, further warp the matter. The statistics as you will see, speak for themselves. Here’s a very real world example of someone from this region being charged with such.


All said, though sexual attractions aren’t entirely decided by conditioning (as there are genetic and spiritual factors as well), it plays a large enough part that, one can suspect a developing boy will have their sexuality impacted by unnatural segregations, abuse, religious brainwashing, strange cultural norms, and so on. Which leads to the focus of this article.


“Google ranks Pakistan No. 1 in the world in searches for pornographic terms, outranking every other country in the world in searches per person for certain sex-related content.


Pakistan is top dog in searches per-person for “horse sex” since 2004, “donkey sex” since 2007, “rape pictures” between 2004 and 2009, “rape sex” since 2004, “child sex” between 2004 and 2007 and since 2009, “animal sex” since 2004 and “dog sex” since 2005, according to Google Trends and Google Insights, features of Google that generate data based on popular search terms.”


(Source: )


Given the statistics, it’s inarguable something is going extremely wrong in how children are developing in the Middle East. If you’ve read any of my Hatred of Women in the Quran series, you’d know women are denigrated to the lowest level of being in Islam, and that’s just within the Quran. Within certain Islamic cultures, the trends only grow worse.


When a young boy repeatedly has the notion that women are disgusting enough that you need to bathe after coming in contact with them (Quran – Surah 4:43), what do you think the end result will be? Will young boys even be able to find women sexually attractive once they’re of age? Moreover, in a culture where sex is simultaneously taboo yet done in excess (given the phenomena of multiple wives and legal raping in Islam), hormonal teenagers are going to be left with zero outlet. There’s no one to guide them, nor is there anyone to tell them what is right or wrong to feel. For any boy who was born homosexual, providing they weren’t murdered for it, there’ll be attempts for it to be beaten out of them, and all this will do is likely create a sickly minded individual.


And it’s this cultural behavior which leads to this.


“Bestiality with goats, sheep, or camels provides another (sexual) outlet. These practices are recognized as common among boys.”

George Devos, Professor of Anthropology, University of Berkley, California 1960


It does not end, of course, at conditioning alone. Islamic countries ensure one thing; that Islam totally dominates every aspect of life. And Islamic thought, and its Quran, are very, very particular about what can and cannot be done, down to the most stupid and baffling of superstitions.


And yet for all the specificity, for all the time it spends condemning every other “adultery” under the sun, the Quran is strangely silent on the topic of bestiality. Not once is it condemned. In fact, several Islamic sources provide interesting evidence otherwise.


”There is no prescribed punishment for one who has sexual intercourse with an animal.” –

Book 38, Number 4450, Abu Dawud


There are, however, in fact, Islamic instructions on how to go about such a process.


لحيوان الموطوء إن كان مما يراد أكله كالشاة و البقرة و الناقة يجب أن يذبح ثم يحرق و يغرم الواطئ قيمته لمالكه إن كان” غير المالك ، و إن كان مما يراد ظهره حملا أو ركوبا و ليس يعتاد أكله كالحمار و البغل و الفرس أخرج من المحل الذي فعل به إلى بلد آخر فيباع فيه ، فيعطى ثمنه للواطئ ، و يغرم قيمته إن كان غير المالك .”


“The animal which has had intimate intercourse done upon it, if of (a type) that one wants to eat, like a sheep, and a cow, and a she-camel, then it is wajib (obliged) to slaughter it then burn it, and the doer of the intimate act is fined its value to its owner (if he himself was not the owner). And if it is of (a type) that one wants to (use) its back to carry (i.e. a beast of burden) or to ride, and its eating is not customary, like the donkey and the mule and the horse, it is taken away from the spot in which (the sexual act) was done, to another country and sold within it. So its price is given for the doer of the intimate act and he is fined the value if he is not the owner.” –

Vol 4, Tahrir al-Wasilah, Ayatollah Khomeini


In summary: A man can have sex with animals, however, he should kill the animal after he orgasms inside of it. He shouldn’t sell the meat to his own village, however, he should go and sell it to the poor, unsuspecting bastards the next town over.


But as always with Islam, things always find a way to get worse. Take Imam Al-Nawawi, a well-respected Sunni scholar and jurist who provided a series of books on Islamic life and thought, as well as a very revealing Hadith commentary. Let’s take a look. This is long so the truly important parts are emboldened. This quote has already been referenced in Necrophilia in Islam, but it will be elaborated on further here.


The meaning of the hadith is that the necessity to wash is not limited to when semen is ejaculated, rater it is when the penile head (Hash-fa, lit. “the head of the male member,” i.e. head of the penis) penetrates the vagina, then it is necessary for the man and the woman to wash. There is no disagreement on this today, even though there was disagreement on this by some of the early companions and others later. However, an agreement was later reached and this is what we have shown and presented previously.


Our companions have said that if the penile head has penetrated A WOMAN’S ANUS, or A MAN’S ANUS, or AN ANIMAL’S VAGINA or ITS ANUS then it is necessary to wash whether the one being penetrated is alive OR DEAD, YOUNG OR OLD, whether it was done intentionally or absentmindedly, whether it was done willfully or forcefully. This also applies if the woman places the male member inside her while the man is asleep, whether the penis is erect or not, whether the penis is circumcised or uncircumcised. All these situations require that the person committing the act and the one the act is committed on must wash themselves, unless the person committing the act or the person the act is committed on is a young male or female. In that case it cannot be said that the person must wash, for they do not have the responsibility, rather it is said that this person is in a state of impurity. If that person can discern (the sexual act) then his guardian can command him to wash just as he commands him to perform the ablution washing for prayers. For if he prays without washing, his prayer has not been performed correctly; likewise if he doesn’t wash after he reaches puberty he must be forced to wash. If he washed as a youth and then reaches puberty, then he does not have to repeat the washing.


Our companions have said that intercourse occurs when a healthy male’s penile head completely penetrates (an orifice), as has been unanimously agreed. Thus, when the penile head has completely disappeared (inside the orifice), then all the regulations concerning washing apply. It is unanimously agreed that it is not necessary that the entire penile shaft penetrate to apply the regulations of washing. If part of the penile head penetrates, then the regulations of washing are not imposed as is agreed, except by an odd few of our companions who said that even in this case all the regulations of washing apply. However, this opinion is wrong, rejected and abandoned.


If the male member was severed and what remained was less than the length of the penile head, then none of the washing regulations apply. If the part remaining was equal in length to the penile head length then that part must completely penetrate for the regulation of washing to apply. If the part remaining was greater in length to the penile head length then there are two famous opinions for our companions. The most correct is that if the portion that penetrates is equal to the length of the penile head, then the regulations for washing apply. The other opinion is that none of the regulations for washing apply until the entire remaining length of the penile shaft completely penetrates and Allah knows best.


If a man wraps a sheath around his male member and then ejaculates inside a woman’s vagina, then there are three opinions from our companions. The most famous is that the man must wash. The second is that he does not have to wash because he ejaculated inside the sheath. The third is that if the sheath is thick and prevents climax and wetness (in the vagina) then washing is not necessary, otherwise it is necessary and Allah knows best.


If a woman inserts (in her vagina) AN ANIMAL’S PENIS she must wash, and if she inserts A DETACHED PENIS (thakaran maktu-an, lit. “a severed male member”) there are two opinions; the most correct is that she must wash.”


– (Source: Commentary of Imam Al-Nawawi on the Hadith)


Since this is just wall-to-wall disgusting filth, let’s recap. In this set of paragraphs, you have multiple implications towards bestiality, pedophilia, and, frankly, who even knows what else, given that nobody knows what’s meant by a severed/detached male penis. The kinder interpretation is that it refers to a dildo. The unkinder interpretation is that it literally does refer to a severed penis. Given there is a section in this paragraph that details the specifics of washing after intercourse with a half-severed manhood, I’ll let others be the judge.


Bringing this back to the topic at hand, the fact it references the act of inserting an animal’s penis into a vagina so casually makes you wonder how commonplace it was.


As a last and final mention, everyone by now knows of the “72 virgins” Muslim men are guaranteed on entry to paradise (if you are not, it’s touched upon in my “Quran’s Hatred of Women” part 1 article), but did you know they’re also offered 700 she-camels as well?


It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Mas’ud al-Ansari who said A man brought a muzzled she-camel and said: It is (offered) in the way of Allah. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: For this you will have seven hundred she-camels on the Day of Judgment all of which will be muzzled. (Sahih Muslim 20:4663)”


For what purpose these she-camels have among the 72 virgins that exist purely only for sex in a paradise without travel or labor, you be the judge. However, the author of Forbidden Sexual Behavior and Morality Robert E.L. Masters once claimed within this very book that it was an old Arabic saying that “the pilgrimage to Mecca is not complete without copulating with the camel.”
