Pedophilia in Islam – Postscript

Mentally defective people in the West continue to make allowances and excuses for Islam and enable its pattern of child abuse, especially with the excuse that confronting Muslims on any act of child-destruction is ‘racism’. So-called racism has been drilled into people’s heads as being worse than raping a child through endless propaganda streams and …

Pedophilia Against Girls

Pedophilia with girls is essentially a phenomenon in Islam and yet in comparison to that with boys, it is not visible nor recorded by history so blatantly, as even pre-menstrual girls are hidden away from sight. The majority of this info comes from the horse’s mouth. We have all seen pre-pubescent girls veiled from head-to-toe, …

Pedophilia Against Boys

A huge misconception by non-Muslims is that the only form of pedophilia towards boys in Islamic countries is so-called ‘bacha-bazi’ (the boy game). People are told to believe that this is a form of pedophilia contained to Afghanistan and Central Asia, being a ‘cultural practice’ of those regions in nature and nothing to do with …

Pedophilia in Islam… vs. the West – Introduction

One of the biggest lies that Muslims and various types of non-Muslim Islamophiles (we shall call them ‘dhimmis’ on here) push is that Islam is a remedy for all kinds of sexual ills gone ‘out of control’ in the west. In particular, the history of sexual deviance in Islam (particularly sex with underage children, which …

Bestiality in Islam

Most anyone who has heard any criticism aimed towards Muslims is probably aware of the stereotype of Muslim men having sex with goats. It’s probably the most enduring memetic aside from the iconography of the generic bomb-vested terrorist. But why is this the case?   As has been said across multiple other articles already, Muslims …

Incest in Islam

Islam is simply rife with incestuous insanity. It has constantly and endlessly abetted the status of inbreeding in endless countries by obliging first-cousins to marry. If this was already a tradition for backwards people, Islam ensured it continued. The Qu’ran abets first cousin marriage: حُرِّمَتْ عَلَيْكُمْ أُمَّهَاتُكُمْ وَبَنَاتُكُمْ وَأَخَوَاتُكُمْ وَعَمَّاتُكُمْ وَخَالَاتُكُمْ وَبَنَاتُ الْأَخِ وَبَنَاتُ الْأُخْتِ …

Necrophilia in Islam

There is simply no way of introducing this subject. Many of the legal tomes of Islam specify with the manner in how one has sex with a corpse. Anyone reading this from a normal background is likely going to do a double take. Necrophilia, just like cannibalism, isn’t some obscure little thing in Islam. There …