Dubai – Debauchery and Degeneracy

These days, it’s hard to find images of anywhere more blatantly opulent than the United Arab Emirates’ Dubai. For the most part, the aesthetic that springs to mind when one imagines the “Middle East” is one of war torn deserts, but Dubai seems to be a true exception to the rule. Held lofty as a source of Muslim pride, Dubai, much like its sister nation Saudi Arabia, can trace its wealth back to its oil.


To disprove an old adage, power does not corrupt. Power simply exposes. With their newfound wealth and power, every last filthy, greedy, degenerate aspect of these Islamic Princes has been brought to bear. Why does this matter? It’s simple.


The Muslim world prides itself on its supposed “traditionalism”. Its “conservative values”. You hear Turkey’s own staunchly Islamist President Erdogan begrudge the West for its “wokeism” every other week. These claims however, hold less water, when the wealthiest Muslim nation and what is effectively its most bustling international hub, is rife with behaviour that makes the “decadent West” look chaste in comparison.


Exposing hypocrisy is entirely the point. Why listen to any Muslim about how you should live and compose yourself according to their values (with even so-called “moderate” Muslim majorities in the West polling that most accepted Western liberties in the 21st century should be repealed according to said values), when they, when given any sort of wealth, live in ways infinitely more despicable?


Public affection is still illegal in Dubai, but bestiality, forcing your slaves to eat human shit, and other things I’d wish to not even mention, run rampant. More on this in a moment.


It’s not just the sexual hypocrisies either. It’s the aforementioned opulence. Muslims claim one of the Five Pillars of Islam is Zakat, that is to say, charity, or more literally translated, “almsgiving”. For all the wealth generated in Dubai, they maintain what’s effectively the world’s largest slave trade and frequently deny said slaves the effectively non-existent pay they promised. Meanwhile, Dubai’s masters pour literal billions of dollars into tacky, gaudy monuments to their wealth. Islam claims that idol worship is one of the greatest sins, and yet, a quick look at Dubai, and you’ll see a hideous culture that worships its own excess.


The intent of this article is highlight just how hypocritical Muslims really are with a few examples, to put Dubai under the spotlight as proof of what happens when they have enough power to do whatever they want without consequence. They preach the Quran with one hand and engage in worse than what they condemn with the other. There can be no argument a better Islam will rise as wealth flows into the Middle East. All you’ll get is a hundred more Dubais.


As ever, you are pre-warned about just how disgusting some of these anecdotes will be. We’ll start with the Dubai “porta potty” scandals. To summarize, this is an underground sex scene run by the Dubai elite, open to rich foreigners, in which women from Instagram and other platforms are enticed to Dubai with the promise of wealth and splendour, and then forced to engage in some of the most depraved acts you’ll ever hear of.


In my time reading anecdotes, I’ve heard of women being forced to eat human excrement, and then proceed to be enticed to offer the same to their hosts. The ones who vomit, are then sometimes forced to eat that. There’s forced bestiality, situations where underage boys are encouraged to have sex with these women in order to “become men”, violent beatings, and the usual array of actual rape and other molestations.


In truth, there’s dozens of these stories online now. And video proof. All a search away if you type “Dubai Porta Potty” and hit enter. For your own sake, I’d not, unless you truly wish to learn the width and breadth of it all. Most articles online have the audacity to treat this all like one great joke, as if it’s all literal toilet humor. In reality, these women who are enticed out here by exorbitant wealth and the promise of the high life are left deeply scarred. You get the occasional individual who will say “well, why does it matter, I’m set for life now with a million in the bank”, but there’s others who are left irreparably damaged. I’ll leave a link to an article that discusses several anecdotes taken from women who went through these ordeals.


The Dubai Porta Potty – Instagram Models Exposed [UPDATED 2024]


I’d also like to reiterate a point here, returning to what I stated about how many non-Western nations try to demean the West for its apparent “wokeness”. Indeed, you see many so-called “conservative” voices praising Dubai for its “traditional values”. But let me draw a comparison here. Many Islamic preachers indict the West for things banned in Dubai and other Islamic countries, like gay rights.


But I ask anyone reading this to draw a simple comparison. Much of Dubai’s population are Sunni Muslims, and Wahhabist like those in Saudi Arabia. In both countries, you have this unrestrained degeneracy of rich Muslims torturing women and forcing them to eat human excrement. In recent years, the combined economic pressure of the petrodollar rich Emirates and Saudi Arabia have further influenced the Southeast Asian nation of Indonesia towards regressive Wahhabist ideology (covered at length in a separate article). Not long ago, I heard a story where a same-sex couple in Indonesia had their door kicked in, they were dragged to prison and then violently flogged, simply for being homosexual.


They had done nothing wrong. They were simply private individuals living their lives, hurting nobody. This, in Islam, is unacceptable. Haram, if you will. Torturing women and eating human shit? That’s encouraged. Halal, if you will.


No matter how misguided certain moralistic trends in the West have become, anyone civilized should take it any day over living in a despotic Islamic tyranny. Things otherwise innocent are regarded as horrendous sins, worthy of painful deaths, and the most barbaric things you could imagine, like all the worst kinds of sexual slavery and sadism, are Quran sanctioned. At the end of the day, consider this. Here in the West, you can legally be a Pagan. For how many other “unwoke” nations around the world can you say the same of? Besides, how can anyone say Islam is “traditional” in any sense? There are places in the very Middle East itself which have been forcibly converted for less than a thousand years. Islam is a destroyer of tradition, not a creator of it.


Since sexual slavery has been touched upon, don’t think regular slavery is off the cards either. JG Karnonnos has covered this in greater capacity, but I will touch on it specifically in the context of Dubai. For all the talk about how Islam is supposedly anti-slavery due to the Pillar of Zakat, the actual living reality of the world suggests anything but. It’s alive and well in modern Dubai.


More than 88% of residents in the United Arab Emirates are foreign workers. A whopping 42% of its entire workforce total is comprised of South Asian migrants from impoverished countries like India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Almost all of these individuals are from deprived rural regions where literacy is low and the promise of anything more than what they have is simply too hard to pass up.


The United Arab Emirates posts flyers in these nations, offering $300 a month, alongside food and lodging, for 9-5 manual labor five days a week. To a lot of these desperate workers, even this sounds like a dream come true. All of it’s lies. The end result is, of course, something truly nightmarish.


Firstly, it starts with what’s known as the Kafala system. To briefly summarize (though no summary could give full credence to just how bad this system is) Kafala means “sponsorship” in Arabic. What this means, is that a private citizen or privately owned corporation assume total responsibility for the working population under their thumb. Effectively, there are no laws or regulations protecting them, like in the West. You are basically owned, either by an individual person or corporation.


It’s bad enough that, under Kafala, any worker is not allowed to switch jobs without permission from their current employer (and yes, it is as easy as said employer just saying no), but you’re obligated contractually to work for multiple years before you even have the right to ask.


That, however, is not the end of it. The worker’s exit visa is also controlled by their sponsor. This means you literally cannot leave the country unless who is effectively your slave owner agrees. And why would they? If a worker tries to escape the situation, they’re returned back as a hostage to their master.


Don’t think for a second that, just because it’s other Muslims suffering this slavery that the Dubai elite care. No. Those from Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Qatar all hold a mindset of supremacy over “lesser Muslims”. Muslims are generally so barbaric that much of their violence is inflicted on other Muslims. If anything, this just ensures that they’re slaves are Halal.


As you might imagine, those enslaved by the Dubai elite work in truly inhuman conditions, often forced to labor for 14+ hours under the sweltering desert sun, seven days a week. And what about when they’re not at work?


They sleep in conditions like this.




Every day, these people wake up, are marched by armed guards onto buses with blacked out windows (so the rich elite don’t even have the displeasure of seeing the unwashed workers) and then are put to work in gruesome conditions.


Remember that paltry 300 a month I mentioned? They don’t even get that. What happens is, you have illegal “visa fees” dumped on you, ones that are meant to be paid by the recruitment agency. From there, you get hit with even more increasingly superfluous fees until you’re deep in debt. And on top of that, you won’t even get the pay you were advertised to pay it off. You’re stuck forever in limbo, with absolutely no escape from your situation.


A few workers tried to protest this, tried to fight for their right to at least be paid their measly sum. They were flogged. Yes, Islamic countries sure do love their floggings.

Of course, it’s not only the men from these impoverished countries getting conned. Women from these nations are also suckered in, only to be used as sex slaves in times when more “desirable” women cannot be poached from Instagram and the like.


Unlike the aforementioned sex workers I mentioned who at least got to go home after their abuse, these ones never will. Many of them are simply killed or disappear into the global underground sex trade, which is frankly a fate worse than death.

To provide an example of such, this is an X-ray of a Sri Lankan maid who had two dozen nails and needles hammered into her body by her Muslim employers. Another Fillipina worker had her corpse stuffed into a freezer, and the list goes on.


Here, I will post a short documentary that covers much of what I said.



One might notice this video was 12 years ago. Don’t think for a second anything has changed. Not in Qatar, not in Saudi Arabia, not in Dubai.


And this highlights the problem. How willing governments and corporations in the West are willing to put aside their morality all to make a quick buck. And how ironic it is, that Muslims the world over claim to despise the West, yet are so eager to do business with it, and worse, build a great monument to it that’s nothing more than an absolute parody of Western grandeur.


To present a quote:


“Dubai is like a city designed by a 6-year-old with an unlimited budget — Las Vegas without the showgirls, gambling, or Elvis. It’s a financial Disneyland without the fun, a holiday resort with the worst climate in the world. It boils. It’s humid. And the constant wind is full of sand.”


They want the glamor, but at the same time want to shill their Islamist filth to all they can. They engage in the worst sex crimes seen on the planet, yet imprison foreigners for holding hands in public. Muslims talk about Western “decadence”, and yet their wealthiest city is nothing more than a cheap, soulless knockoff built by slaves.


If you’ve never seen just how gaudy and pathetic their building projects are, what all these slaves have died to build, allow me to show you what’s in the pipeline.


Let’s look at “The World”. A man-made archipelago that’s meant to look like a world map.


No, this isn’t a computer generated image, this actually exists. The gimmick here, was that each “nation” on the map (minus the problematic nations that the Muslims in charge don’t care about) would have a slice of that place’s culture. On Germany island, you could buy sausages and beer, and on the French island, baguettes and wine. Indeed, why travel anywhere else when Dubai has it all?


Of course the whole thing was constructed so cheaply that it all began sinking back into the ocean, as what tends to happen with sand and water (and yes, to those more inclined towards the civil engineering arts, they did almost no pre-planning in the construction phase that would prevent this outcome). Any videos you see of it now do not paint a flattering picture of what’s become of it.


Was any thought given to the environmental impact? Of course not. It was yet another tacky project among the thousands. If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, how about a mall you can drive through? Or the world’s deepest pool? Or tallest hotel? Again, Dubai has it all, just like Saudi Arabia where you can live in a city that’s literally just a giant line through the desert. Again, I’m not making this up. Anyone with even the faintest bit of intellect can see a quarter-finished future project left to rot out in the desert, billions wasted in resources with dead slaves tallying in the thousands, all for the sake of some oil sheikh’s vanity project.


Yet for all the tacky megaprojects doomed to fail and serve as nothing but garish eyesores that stick out amidst the scorching sands, those in charge of this ruin-to-be forgot the very principles the West was built upon, in their scramble to seemingly outdo it.


Western cities, for all the things that have gone wrong here and there, were still designed to be lived in. Europe has had proper sewage systems for centuries.


Dubai wasn’t bothered for this. When you have skyscrapers to build, why bother to stop and think about something as basic and necessary as a sewer system?


It’s this lack of care and foresight which has resulted in this.



That’s miles and miles of trucks carrying out human waste underneath the blazing Emirate’s sun. Imagine getting stuck driving past this on a summer’s day. Going back to the article’s start, now you’re seeing part of Dubai’s obsessions with porta potties.


The purpose of wealth, in any context, is to enable the building of something greater for the folk of the nation. When it instead is nothing, save for a mechanism to ensure its own multiplication and the creation of artificial splendour, it loses its purpose. The oil princes of Dubai never had the wisdom necessary for the sudden wealth they inherited. They wanted their Islam, but sat and seethed in envy at the playboy lifestyle of rich Westerners. They wanted to have their cake, and eat it too. There’s nothing of quality or worth underneath the veneer of extravagance.


In the end, when your morality stems from something as immoral as Islam, and then you add the unlimited power of uncontrolled wealth into the equation, the end result is Dubai. All it is, is the true face of Islam. You can add as much “wealth” into it as you like. There is no culture here, no spirit, nor soul. Islam has gone and created the very definition of a near-future dystopia and presents it as the epitome of magnificence. How fitting, of something built by ignorance and blood.


This wretched behavior all stems back to Islam. Just like Christianity, you cannot expect morality from those who believe they are “saved” and due for eternal paradise simply for the act of believing in the “right religion”. Once they are absolutely convinced they are the holy, justified ones, any wealth you grant them will be used as an expression of all their worst natures. Go to any American ghetto and see how every gangster has a crucifix necklace around their throat. It’s the same mindset, on the scale of a city.


Dubai, ultimately, is nothing but a grand testament to Islamic immorality.


To end, I’ll post one last short video, which help inspired this article in part.

