Halal Exposed

Before we begin, we will, of course, define “Halal”. The literal translation is “permissible”, that is to say, acceptable by Islamic Law. Most people in the West are only aware of the term due to having seen a Halal certification label being slapped on their groceries at the supermarket. Effectively, anything labelled “Halal” is considered safe for a Muslim to eat, more or less making it identical to the equally ridiculous “Kosher” goods of the Jews.


Like with anything Islamic, something stupid on the surface immediately leads down a rabbit hole of degeneracy, barbarism and deception.


Firstly, who determines whether a product is Halal or not? For the price of a fee, there are a multitude of Islamic bodies (some with direct links to regressive Islamic nations like Saudi Arabia) who will certify the status of your goods, and this is where the trouble begins, as these governing bodies are known for making large donations to Islamic charities and Mosques with many of these either being radical or having ties to radical organisations.


To provide but one example:


“An investigation by the Middle East Forum has found “one of the world’s leading” halal certification bodies has handed out huge amounts of money to prominent Islamist organizations, amassed an astonishing $70 million of assets, and bestowed millions of dollars to the private charitable foundation of its own highly-paid head official.

Established in 1982, the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA) is among the wealthiest Islamic nonprofit organizations in America, based on the total assets and recent revenue reported in its recent 990s.

Although IFANCA is a U.S.-based halal certifier, it also boasts recognition from “three key Islamic economies” — Indonesia, Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates. It claims to have certificated over 11,000 food, beverage, pharmaceutical, and personal care products, and also works to promote “awareness” of an Islamic lifestyle.

Tax returns filed by IFANCA from 2012 to 2019 show a steady payment of monies to radical organizations and charities across the country.

GainPeace is the proselytization arm of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the self-admitted U.S. arm of the violent South Asian movement Jamaat-e-Islami. ICNA is also a close partner of Pakistan’s Al Khidmat Foundation, the welfare arm of Jamaat-e-Islami and – according to Jamaat-e-Islami’s own website, the foundation itself is a financier of terror groups such as Hamas. Between 2016 and 2019, IFANCA gave $112,000 to GainPeace and $31,250 to ICNA Relief, ICNA’s charitable arm, according to Form 990s from those years.”


(Source and further information – https://www.meforum.org/islamist-watch/62503/halal-extremism)


Even if one was, for whatever inane reason, apathetic and nonplussed about directly financing radical Islam, the true issues with Halal run far deeper than only this. After all, you can say to yourself, oh, I’ll just avoid buying Halal products. Were it only so easy.


Everything from soft drink to skin lotion is being plagued with a Halal certification now. Halal meat accounts for 70% of New Zealand’s lamb exports, while a whopping 99.99% (with a margin of error) of exported meat from Paris, France is now Halal.


But how could this be? Why would Western corporations so willingly sell their soul to Islam? As with anything, the answer ultimately comes down to greed, plain and simple. Think of it like this.


Assume, for a moment, your main demographic is utterly oblivious to what Halal even is. Most people don’t tend to read the stuff on the back of their groceries. Those that do, seldom inquire further as to information provided. Even among those who have heard of Halal, err on the side of assuming it’s either innocuous, or in some particularly laughable cases, assume it’s some sort of health food guarantee.


Secondly, most Halal goods which have indeed been certified are not being labelled as such. There is in fact, a reason for this. Halal’s sister term is Haram, that is, anything that’s forbidden or persecuted by Islamic Law. Generally speaking, many Muslims will passively accept many things in life as Halal without stating so, whereas anything Haram must be highlighted as such.


Producers and retailers in the West are seeing a burgeoning new market arise with the growing Islamic population. Not only this, but don’t think for a second that the fee being taken by the Halal certification bodies isn’t being put back on the consumer (plus a sneaky few cents extra passed off as inflation).


Thing is, providing two separate production lines (Halal and not-Halal) is bad for profits. Since the non-Muslim majority seemingly doesn’t care about Halal, it’s more profitable to simply make everything Halal as opposed to excluding the growing Muslim market (as, even when immigration, legal or otherwise, is curtailed, Muslims are known for breeding out of control).


Using the above examples of New Zealand and France, meat exported from either country was in fact, not being Halal labelled when being sold on UK shelves, even though it was indeed certified.


Even in the cases where the items do have a visible Halal logo, the logo is often tiny and sometimes in Arabic, which most of the global population can’t in fact read, and thus have no idea what it says in the first place. To provide a batch of examples:

As you can clearly see, looking at a product and catching a glimpse of the letter H encircled in purple doesn’t exactly scream “I have been Allah certified by an unwashed Muslim preacher”.


Now, if you’ve been reading along and have been wondering where all the expected bloodshed and violence typical of anything to do with Muslims is, wonder no longer, for this last section will have it all, as this pertains to Halal meat, and the Halal slaughter process.


For meat to be officially certified Halal, here’s what must take place.


  1. The animal to be slaughtered must not already be dead.
  2. The animal must not be a pig.
  3. The slaughterer must be a Muslim.
  4. The animal must be positioned to face Mecca.
  5. The slaughterer must place a blade on the throat of the animal.
  6. The slaughterer must proclaim, “Bismillah, Allahu Akbar!
  7. The animal’s throat must be sliced through, severing its carotid arteries and jugular veins.
  8. All of the flowing blood must be allowed drain from the animal.


Let’s break this down bit by bit to discover just how odious this all is. First off, for any company broadly implementing this change to the letter, hiring practices will inevitably be altered to fit the 3rd requirement, but that’s really only the tip of the iceberg.


To understand what’s happening here, one must have spiritual context. Muslims, typically, are obligated to pray five times a day, and undergo a pilgrimage to Mecca (which will inevitably be covered at length in a separate topic) at least once in their lifetime. All this energy being directed to the Abrahamic egregore does nothing, save for fuel the Jewish spell matrix and ultimately further their agenda. Despite the innumerable contradictions and infighting, ultimately, one Abrahamic religion is much like another, be it Xianity or Islam, all sharing the same end game of systematically attempting to destroy Paganism while funnelling energy towards the Torah’s spellwork. Of course, Satan is always portrayed in culture as the entity that supposedly demands blood sacrifice, and yet, the Abrahamic books outright state YHVH’s enjoyment of the smell of the burnt offerings and sacrifice. The endless hypocrisy of Xians, Muslims and Jews know no bounds.


Listen to no apology of particular Xians trying to say that Mecca was once a “Pagan idol” and thus Muslims are sacrificing to a Pagan God either, as this is mere deflection. Yes, the Kaaba and the stone within were originally Pagan (a fact which disproves Islam all its own), but this is irrelevant when it’s now filled with Islamic scripture, being chanted to with Islamic verses which invoke the Hebrew God specifically, with every Muslim connecting their souls to YHVH through sympathetic magic. The once beautiful Kaaba has been stolen, polluted and put to blasphemous use.


Those who wish to learn the facts of the matter are invited to visit https://kabbalahexposed.com/index.html (added thanks to the hard work of High Priest HoodedCobra666) to learn more, but for now, with the above understanding, know that prayers are not the only method of directing energy towards Mecca, and thus the YHVH egregore. Blood sacrifice is also a preferred method. All a Xian must do is flick open any page of the Old Testament and they’ll find much the same degeneration in their own book, with burnt offerings galore and other ritualistic blood shed. Even the (fictional) sacrifice of “Jesus” is in itself, a blood sacrifice, with Catholics re-enacting the eating of the flesh and the drinking of their blood through their Mass rituals.


For Islam, the simple act of making your meat “Halal” to consume involves engaging in literal blood sacrifice for Allah. In fact, take one guess as to what Bismillah, Allahu Akbar!  means.


“In the name of Allah. Allah is Greater!”


When Muslims engage in this sacrifice, they are quite literally proclaiming that their Allah is greater than the God of any other faith. One could only wonder how braindead Christians are okay with this, but as usual, their apathy and inability to maintain any sense of folk nationalism is precisely why we have this Islamic incursion into the West in the first place.


Seeing as we’re on the topic of animal sacrifice within Islam, if you wish to see the sheer extent of it, lay your eyes on this particular imagery, taken in Dhaka in 2016 during the Eid al-Adha Islamic festival, which commemorates yet another despicable section of Abrahamic faith, which “commemorates” the prophet Ibrahim’s (Abraham) willingness to sacrifice his son upon the will of Allah.


In this single event, in this single place, more than 100,000 livestock were butchered. As ever, pay close mind to articles on this topic acting pathetically apathetic as if any of this should be normal.


(Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37358356 )


Lastly, but certainly not least, is the sheer ethical and moral concerns. It’s widely known Muslims do not have any consideration towards animal ethics, as there are many verses regarding their supposed “impurity”. In fact, hate crimes towards domestic animals and pets spike quite severely in any area with a growing Muslim population. I could sit here and pluck low hanging fruit, pointing out how the average family dog has better hygiene habits than a typical Muslim (who often do not wash aside from patting themselves with a towel on the odd occasion), but I digress.


Returning back to the Halal certifications, what must be done in order to certify a cut of meat as Halal requires a truly barbaric butchering indeed.


To those without any understanding of animal rights and ethics in Paganism/Satanism, you’re encouraged to learn, as animals are indeed sacred within this faith. To those feeling tempted to invoke any argument regarding the fact these animals were due for slaughter anyway, one must also understand there was a very specific process to be done in Ancient times to reduce suffering to the animal, and indeed, thank them.


Muslim savagery, however, is far more ruthless. Bloodletting is absolutely maximised in this process. The animal feels every second of it. Worse, as goats, sheep and cows can experience the pain for up to 385 seconds (in some extreme cases) after being slaughtered the Halal way, owing to a second bone protected artery which cannot be severed by knife.


No doubt, Islamic apologists are racing to criticize Western practices, but in spite of comparably trivial ethical failures, the Western method greatly reduces suffering, as animals are stunned before they’re slaughtered, and killed either by gas, bolt or electrical current. Moreover, they also tend to live far better lives before their slaughtering. If you’re unaware of why this makes a difference as to the quality of what’s on your plate, take caged eggs versus free range eggs. It’s well known the latter are superior to the former, in terms of taste and texture, as well as healthiness for the consumer (as the chickens in question are allowed to experience a more varied diet). The point is, ethical treatment of livestock ultimately comes as a benefit for humanity, and isn’t solely just a moral quandary (as much as it’s a valid one).


Instead, let’s take a look at the lives of animals under the boot heel of Islamic farmers. Viewer’s discretion is advised, as this clip does indeed show the physical abuse of animals living in poor conditions.




Now that you’re aware, perhaps you’ll think twice about casually buying Halal certified goods.
