Islam and Female Genital Mutilation – Part I

Reader discretion for this topic is highly advised, as the content within is particularly repugnant, even by Muslim standards. For those with weaker stomachs (or simply those who wish to not lose further faith in humanity), the option to not read on would be well considered.


First off, for the sake of full awareness on the sheer brutality of the topic, we will begin with describing and defining precisely what this practice is, before then tackling its place within Islam.


FGM (female genital mutilation), as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) is “all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.”


Typically, it can be carried out on a girl anywhere from a mere few days old all the way up to puberty. Given this barbarism occurs most frequently in Islamic Africa and the Middle East, you can precisely expect that this procedure is performed without anesthetic, and in many cases, without anything resembling actual medical tools. If you’re picturing a rusty pair of scissors or a dull knife, your imagination is, regrettably, serving you well.


WHO estimates suggest that 100–140 million women and girls around the world have experienced the procedure, including 92 million in Africa alone. Given this study was several years ago, you would be making a correct assumption in guessing this number has only risen, particularly as Africa’s population has been going through a boom as of late.


Four distinct classifications of FGM are offered by the WHO (the information having been sourced directly from their website).


Type I, removal of the clitoral hood, almost invariably accompanied by removal of the clitoris itself (clitoridectomy).


Type II, removal of the clitoris and inner labia.


Type III, (infibulation), removal of all or part of the inner and outer labia, and usually the clitoris, and the fusion of the wound, leaving a small hole for the passage of urine and menstrual blood – the fused wound is opened for intercourse and childbirth. Often in Type III FGM, a twig is inserted into the vagina and the girls legs are tied together for approximately two weeks until the wound heals, on which afterwards the twig is removed.


Type IV on the other hand, covers a wide variety of cultural and tribal practices, ranging from piercing the clitoris to cauterizing it, or even using corrosive substances to artificially tighten it.


As if the mutilation was not bad enough on its own, it’s frequent enough that the unfortunate girl subjected to this savagery will most likely experience chronic cysts and vaginal infections. Or, simply haemorrhage out and die during the process. In my time reading on the topic, I’ve even heard of young girls breaking their bones as they’ve been held down during the process.


The question arises now, why does this occur among Muslims? First, is the justification that occurs within Islamic canon.


A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.

Book 41, Number 5251, Sunan Abu Dawud, Abu As-Sijistani


“Do not cut severely”, says the Prophet Muhammad. Truly, he is a mercy is boundless indeed. Instead of simply requesting that the horrendous act ceases, all he does is tell the circumcizer in question to not absolutely mutilate their victim. To anyone well-read enough on Muhammad’s thoughts on women, you will obviously not be fooled into thinking this is out of compassion for the female. He even outright says it. “More desirable for the husband.” Yes, evidently, your wife should indeed have her clitoris painfully removed, but just don’t make her vagina too ugly otherwise her husband might not be able to maintain an erection the next time he rapes her (which, given the Quran’s moral consistency, will probably be hours after the procedure).


That is, of course, not all. Muhammad’s long suffering wife Aisha speaks in another Hadith, bequeathing this nugget of wisdom unto the world on his behalf.


The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: When anyone sits amidst four parts (of the woman) and the circumcised parts touch each other a bath becomes obligatory.

Book 3, Number 684, Sahih Muslim, Muhammad al-Bukhari


Various hadith define legal intercourse (for purity purposes) as occurring when the circumcised parts cross or touch each other. i.e, Circumcision of both men and women is presupposed.


Lastly, there is sunnah. Sunnah is an Islamic concept that roughly translates to “the path”, that is, the “holy path” that is living your in dictation to what the Prophet Muhammad has stated. Thus, his mere stating of the above becomes the creed in which Muslims live their life by. It’s plainly stated (Quran: 16:123) by the word of Allah himself that Muhammad (and thus, all Muslims) live life as the Prophet Ibrahim (who himself, was circumcized).


Placing aside the justification Muslims use as to why they do these things, anyone with a sane mind may begin to wonder what the real underlying reason for all this mutilating is. If you’re intelligent enough to have already figured out that Islam is complete fabrication (and a plague upon the world), you’re likely pondering the underlying cultural reasons for all of this, and why Muslim men are so determined to see the practice performed.


If you’re familiar enough with Islam, the reason should be entirely clear. Control of women. Proponents of the practice have a warped belief that women are possessed with ghilma, that is, a burning sexual desire (obviously imparted by Iblis himself) that makes them sexually uncontrollable. They also believe that the clitoris and labia minora will grow long and make the women sexually overactive. You really can’t make it up. Within the minds of these tribals, every Western woman must be walking around with clitorises several inches long. Logic and reason is not commonly witnessed among Muslims.


But don’t take my word for it. Here’s a quote from a professional tribal village circumcizer in Islamic Somalia.


A traditional practitioner argued that an uncircumcised girl or woman “will start chasing men because of her uncontrollable sexual urge, excessive sexual desire, she will be very vulnerable, she has no security and [will] subsequently [be] disgraced. Circumcised girls will not go for another man…” (Jaldesa G W, Askew I, Njue C, Wanjiru M. Female genital cutting among the Somali of Kenya and management of its complications).


Returning to the concept of sunnah, the Prophet Muhammad again, spells it out nice and clear.


“Marriage is my sunnah and whoever shuns this sunnah of mine is not among my people.”


Circumcized girls, as you will have read above, are believed to be chaste, clean, and their virginity ensured. In the Somalian community specifically, evidence of Type III FGM (see above) is considered a sign that the girl is, indeed, a virgin. Keep in mind, within these barbaric Islamic communities, any young girl who is suspected of committing adultery is to be put to a painful death. Ergo, the mere act of not having your genitals painfully tortured is grounds for execution in Islamic society.


Here are some additional quotes from the source provided above, just so the mindset is utterly clear to the reader.


“If the girl is not circumcised, however beautiful she is, she is not wanted by men. He wants or prefers the stitched one, who [he] will be happily busy with through the night. But he will not be happy with the open one. I will do whatever will make them like my daughter; I will stitch her up tight.”


“Those who are not circumcised are dirty, and they will always produce a foul smell, so we are circumcised to be kept clean.”


With levels of derangement among Islamic men this high, one truly begins to realize the absolutely grim reality the poor girls who were unfortunate enough to be born into these situations are. The second quote however, I must note, is from a woman. When abuse rises to this degree, it becomes self-internalized, and victims turn to inflict it upon the next generation in turn.


And that, is entirely the reality one must come to terms with. Some day soon, there will be 200 million women on this earth who will never be able to experience longing or lust. I want the reader, be they male or female, to actually stop and imagine this for a moment. An entire life, never having yearned for someone, to be without a natural urge endemic to all humankind. Not ever, will these girls and women ever know the pleasure of experiencing an orgasm. Instead, they are left butchered, traumatized, and with chronic illnesses and are sometimes rendered barren and never able to give birth to children of their own.


In Islam, only the pleasures and urges of the man matters. It’s stated time and time again that a woman must always sexually submit to her husband whensoever he pleases (and if she doesn’t, he can simply rape her, or punish her, whatever he deems fit). Women exist to either serve as flesh dolls or to be breeding cattle. Nothing else. Hence, they are deprived of their own urges, because Allah forbid they dare have any.


I bid anyone compare and contrast this to Pagan religion, where the sexuality and Eros of men and women alike were treated with equal respect and sacredness. Hatred of women’s sexuality is even casually present in Xianity, what with the clitoris being colloquially referred to as the “devil’s doorbell” in the tightly held Bible Belt sectors of America.


Returning to Islam, for those in the Western world, thinking all this butchering is happening a thousand miles away, do not be so sure.


I provide this example, to illustrate a point. Australia is, for all intents and purposes, a first world country. More specifically, a geographically isolated first world country with a small population.


And that was five years ago. A quick search online will reveal the trend repeats for most any Western nation with a notable Islamic population. The phenomena is being exported all over the world. When you then consider Islamic sex rings, human trafficking and abduction, suddenly a worrying picture comes to light.


Now that you’re aware of just how cruel Muslims are to their daughters, do you want your daughters to be raised in an Islamic society?


A final question the inquiring mind can ask is this. If women weren’t meant to experience orgasms and to have sexual urges of their own and be utterly chaste and mere playthings for their husband as Allah and Muhammad have commanded, then why do they have clitorises in the first place? Consider Islam once again, debunked. This time by basic human anatomy.
