Islam, Sex and the West – INTRO

One major element of Islam’s appeal to young boys and men currently is that it ‘puts degenerates in their place’. Due to current Western excesses, Islam has an image of stability and solid values to some people.

We have to be honest. As far as the Western world is concerned, some sexual and economic problems relating to sex have spiralled out of control. Many people are totally and hopelessly isolated. People are barely cohabiting, marrying or having babies compared with the past, even the recent past.

In lieu of that, certain streamers, influencers and personalities push the idea that Islam is an antidote for all kinds of sexual problems. We also have Muslim athletes, footballers and rappers pushing this view onto young men totally and actively.

In many cases, the only ‘role models’ these young men have are their typically weak parents who have no clue what is simmering and leftist teachers who are typically women, unable to overpower adolescent males.

The truth is, while many of these problems are down to men or other influences, endless marketing towards young girls and programs like ‘feminism’ have deluded many of the fairer sex, making them little better than slaves of materialism, social media consensus, inappropriate anxieties and endless complexes that paralyze their ability to develop as women of purpose, while keeping them locked in as girls developmentally. Mirror-image processes are distorting men the same way as well.

Women are also obliged to work incessantly. In some countries, this is ludicrous, such as Korea, where 80-hour work weeks are the norm. This leaves someone with 20% free time at most, something similar to peak of the the Industrial Revolution. The modern West is better than in the extreme example of South Korea, but with Pluto in Aquarius creating the last Industrial Revolution, we should not be so smug about the future.

Beyond these psychological factors, the lack of natalism due to isolation (unlike the Industrial Revolution even, there is no one else to look after kids), endless distractions, the need for all modern conveniences (i.e. the newest iPhone) and survival and the lack of invisibility created by social media (feeling as if one is being watched and endlessly has something to prove) are huge problems.

Socially and in the media, endless lies are pushed to Western women that because society and men are not perfect, they have no rights, that their situation is ‘the same’ as those women in Afghanistan because misogyny still exists and that they will succumb to an endless orgy of rape, domestic violence and serial killers if they walk outside, stimulated by endless flows of content like ‘true crime’ that play on sides of reality many women find appealing.

Truth be told, while things are NOT perfect and many things are askew with the way women are treated legally, compared to most women on Earth, Western women basically live in a paradise as far as rights are concerned. If you dispute this, you have to read and be realistic. Think of the fact that NO corner of the Earth has even come close to giving women civil freedoms.

On Islamicevil, we are not here to pretend Western culture as it stands in decay is impervious to any assault. At the time of writing, people treat these hard-won liberties like trash. Politicians throw them in with the garbage, knowing they won’t be challenged by voters who think society will just ‘turn out for the best’ and other clichés.

Worthless social phenomena is not worth saving an iota. The militant Muslims in the West at least understand what they are here for: to conquer. They have not decided to collectively go extinct. The West is a paradise beyond paradises for any parasite. It might as well be the so-called ‘paradise’ of the Qu’ran.

The things fought for in the past vigilantly and tirelessly by our forefathers or mothers ARE better than Islam – liberty, life, freedom of belief, the pursuit of knowledge, protection of the most vulnerable like children and animals, cleanliness  – these are obviously worth preserving. These were not accomplished by ‘accident’.

What could be lost if Islam runs rampant is an extreme penalty on humanity. The collective karma of any clean, orderly and beautiful country, whether that’s Iceland or Japan, is a very difficult one to achieve based on endless hard work and refinement. SORRY… it does not just happen out of nowhere.

There’s NO SUCH THING as a ‘mere accident of birth’ or other mantras of spoiled idiots and ‘global citizens’ who know nothing about reality and the soul.

Even with Muslim countries, in spite of the damage inflicted by Islam in general, the difference between Bosnia or Malaysia and places like Bangladesh and Mali should be really obvious.

In contrast to this universal and ineffable truth, lies that “we are all the same” are programmed into people in all of the West since childhood, which makes people even more paranoid as they note very distinct differences between different types of people. One of these differences concerns sex itself.

Men are the electric, active sex.

We are not the same and it is a lie that both sexes are the same. Yes, it is true men are overwhelmingly the physically violent sex. The ways in which women express the darker sides of their psychology and socially undesirable behaviors are different to men and not as externalized.

Women naturally wield power, feminine power, in a distinctive way to men and this is a very powerful force in itself. Beyond this, the way women actually wield power is not synonymous with how men wield it, though feminists tend to have this view of reality. The way things are going, this view of reality may come up hard against the cold truth.

Many men also cynically sexually use women since the 1960s in the Western world and this contributes to their problems.  There is nothing wrong with sex, but unlimited levels of reckless promiscuity damage both sexes, particularly the psyche of women, who find it difficult to deal with betrayal and it impacts their sense of security altogether.

The Ancients knew about the undesirable aspects of the middling type of women.

In pagan religions, just as men, all women in themselves are not considered ‘equal’ to each other. The elites understood that more mediocre women on lower levels of consciousness needed guidance and a strong hand from men, but also needed to be paid attention to zealously by men on these levels to prevent stupidity. The Assemblywomen by Aristophanes is a good example of this. This is not a misogynistic tract – this play shows exactly what would happen if specifically mediocre women gained control of democracy.

Most successful female rulers in history have been autocrats or queens. Women are in general better suited to this type of rulership than ‘democracy’.

Beyond that, women were meant to have authority figures in themselves. The mother’s word was law, so were those of older women and of a higher social status. It is only really from woman-to-woman that traditions can be passed down to girls and how girls are trained to become an adult woman.

In Christianity, Islam and in the modern world, the status of older women has been systematically destroyed. In Christian times, old women were treated with contempt and referred to as a ‘pile of sticks’. They were subjected to the Inquisition and witch trials at higher rates, particularly widows. In Islam, older women only have ‘role models’ like Khadijah. Although older women managed to gain some esteem and authority in the Victorian period (unfortunately often through the vehicle of Christianity), in the modern Western world, youthful looks and sexual appeal are equated with being female, while the older generations sense of wisdom barely comes into anything, complicated by some of the foolishness of the GI, Silent and Boomer generations giving a negative impression to the young.

In addition, politicians of supreme power like Ursula van der Leyen and Sanna Marin often really show a dismal picture for women and contribute to this chain of command being eroded further. They essentially take in all the characteristics of their negative male counterparts. Dancing drunk and having affairs on camera while a much more powerful foreign country stacks troops on your border is INSANITY, sorry to say. What this says about the men and women who elected this person is another topic.

Despite what Wiccans will tell you, some of the aspects of the Goddesses actually relate to all of these themes.

This basic infrastructure of woman-to-woman, however perverse or deranged it may be in Islam, still exists. In the West, it has just fallen apart. Largely it has been jettisoned in favor of a fanatical ideology: ‘Don’t judge women for our choices!’

There are a million-and-one variations of this slogan. Often, this is used to harass women with concerns, but it is also used to bully men into silence.

We do not deny any woman a path to Godhood. Our entire presence and existence in these times is due to one woman, a Heroine, who fought all the odds for our Gods. In Antiquity, a woman who raised many healthy children, the highest priestess of unimaginable powers named the Pythia who was given all civil liberties, a woman like Hypatia who breached the very highest levels of learning, or Octavia who was entrusted with an army, or Lucretia who paid the highest price to uphold her sophrosyne, a woman of vaunted ambition and capable administrative powers who survived endless intrigues like Cleopatra or a woman whose whose invigorating presence sustained the valor of heroes, like Gorgo… was not put on the level of a random idiot who does a boatload of drugs, lives on government assistance and just uses her mixed-race kids as a ticket to get a house.

Nor were they equated with someone who is 90% silicon selling photos of their ass on a parasocial site and making 500k while giving nothing to humanity only by doing that, while having the audacity to endlessly insult the men who make her rich.

Women who are emotionally defensive may be thinking I am implying women have to act like nuns and lifelong virgins. NEVER!  The point of these examples is that biting the hand that feeds is a surefire way to make yourself despised. Being nuns or burqa-wearers doesn’t come into this.

Is it not obvious how insulting and demeaning it is to compare the most base women to the greatest women under the label of ‘equality’?

Of course, being naturally despicable, the enemy could not have Hypatias and Gorgos running around, particularly as women find it easier to tap into the intuitive side of the soul.

The enemy’s religious authorities themselves believe their own women are “excrement in human form”, but women outside of their cult are considered the lowest of the low.

There are no Goddesses in their religion(s). There never were. Outside of jokes like ‘reform Judaism’, there are no religious female authorities in Judaism; any Jewish woman who attempts to access serious occult power is blatantly cursed out of existence.

Many people believe the destruction and vandalism against representations of the Goddesses occurred under Islam. While Islam dementedly pursued this program (especially in India), in Europe and Northern Africa this was accomplished by Christians.

In general, in the West, the advent of Christianity changed nearly everything. The Goddesses were removed and defaced.

Yet the picture is not so simple as representing a ‘Christian patriarchy’, as feminists like to say. There were also female traitors…

Serena was a woman and one of the earliest power figures of Christianity. Being the wife of the most powerful military commander of the Empire, she manipulated the freedoms pagan Roman society gave her as a woman to loot the valuables of Temple of Rhea Silvia. Being so ‘modest’ and hating ‘the things of the world’, she jus’ wanted sum bling. Just like a modern BLM thug, she enforced her thievery at knifepoint with an assembled mob against a vulnerable old woman whom she threatened, the last of the Vestal Virgins.

By decree of the Gods, she and her descendants were cursed to an agonising DEATH for this crime. There was no ‘she was a woman, therefore innocent’. The female Goddesses exact brutal punishments on traitors.

Partially due to idiots like this, male or female, the status of women in the Dark Ages degraded rather dramatically. Women were often blamed for the downfall of mankind into original sin, thus, even miscarriages were considered a mark of female evil. Paranoia and rage circulated: the relationships between men and women broke down due to ignorance. Men were often abused by their mothers and became fearful of even entering the female quarters, while women were heaped with abuse and endless physical tasks.  The brightest women of that time, such as Héloïse, paid horribly for pursuing normal romantic relations with lives that ended in disaster and ruin.

Depriving women of tapping into the powers of the soul was disastrous. Many forms of justice simply collapsed without the ability to fight back. Confusion in Magickal practices and the torture of the Inquisition impacted women negatively.

The enemy also proactively cursed many advanced women through Christianity and adherence to it only brought on more curses.

In the Renaissance, this began to change. Knowledge of the pagan past became blatantly obvious. Women of principle and ability such as Caterina Sforza began to appear. True understandings of the necessity of preserving female virtue and health began to pop up again. Romance between man and woman blossomed and became a possibility. The beauty of women began to be acknowledged.

The enemy were determined to steer this development into a wrong direction in the same way they had orchestrated against Rome by again pushing ‘equality’ onto the most naive people.

For example, due to the program of Orthodox Christianity and serfdom that often treated lower order women as the most abused beings enduring backbreaking work, naïve Russian women were lured into the program of communism by appeals to ‘equality’ in the Soviet Union. The Soviets promised a paradise. Free housing, representation, child support, abortion on demand and many other things.

Adding to the impression was that many women were represented in government.

This so-called ‘equality’ actually meant many women ended up as being treated as less than animals despite the ‘rights’ they gained on paper. Women were passed around functionally as sexual chattel. Old women, even, were forced to work endless hours or thrown into labor camps. Some ended up selling their own bodies in their golden years for bread. In famines, a few even turned to cannibalism.

In enemy-controlled Weimar Republic of Germany, again, the ‘final liberation’ and all the castles in the sky for women were promised. By the early 1920s, one could select nine-year-old girls as prostitutes on the street, along with 12-year old ‘Telephone Girls’ dressed up as film stars via telephone, disabled women and women in their eighties. All of these groups of prostitutes even had their own names.

As idiot Christian men in the 19th century Anglosphere had described their own family set up as a ‘patriarchy’ based on Abraham and the other Hebrew descendants, after the war, enemy feminists like Shulamith Firestone and some abused women like Kate Millett threw everything under the label of the white family as ‘patriarchy’, mostly based on the worst examples. Millett, for example, was abused by her drunkard father, a Catholic zealot.

Revealingly, the word ‘patriarch’ barely, if at all, existed in Ancient Greek prior to the Hebrew Septuagint being written. The word, which was used to the ‘ancestors’ of these people (Adam, Abraham, Noah, Isaac, etc.) and in describing leaders of the church, only has any meaning in Judaism. It has NO relation to Ancient Greek at all.

A trick against the mind of men and women was played here by equating all white malehood with enemy ‘patriarchy’, from the projections of insane females from the enemy camp and the abused.

Western society is not perfect. As HPS Maxine indicated before, the legal system and justice has been ‘nailed to the wall’ by leagues of enemy judges and lawyers. Penalties against rape are often not enforced. Many prisons in Europe are essentially a joke. The lack of apparent justice for women and children also fuels resentment in other ways.

Yet priorities within so-called feminism are seriously askew. Just what is the point of complaining about ‘manspreading’ all day when foreign men and lunatic grandmas pour into any Western country circumcising little girls?

Why would anyone advocate ‘redistributive justice’ or prison abolition as so many leftists did around BLM? Many people are seriously confused. Just look at any progressive’s X feed. They demand the destruction of all prisons one moment on the advice of the Marxist named Angela Davis, then say all rapists and pedophiles should be castrated the next, then they campaign via Kim Kardashian’s advice to get mad until a rapist pedophile is released.

‘Insane circus’ doesn’t cut this type of stupidity. Much of what feminism has become is not about what is injurious to the female sex, but what annoys a certain clique of working, university-educated women at any given moment.

In other words, legitimate grievances about certain problems were mingled with all kinds of psycho-social delusions and insanities, many of which aren’t injustices whatsoever and instead resemble some sort of insane entitlement, boiling down to fallacies such as ‘women are already goddesses because they aren’t as physically violent’.

The standards of all people have also gone completely out of control, but particularly those of young women. Go on any social media app and you will find laundry lists of requirements such as ‘must make 100k a year’, ‘must be 6’5’’ or above’, it just goes on and on. It is impossible for most men to fit all these requirements. Instead of freaking out about Muhammad marrying a six year old, progressives bicker on social media about actors dating 25 year old women. This pubescent and puerile approach to sex is destroying us.

It is also making people endlessly MISERABLE. Antidepressant usage has skyrocketed in general, but particularly among young women.

Nowadays, this feminist agitation has gone so far have so-called incels seizing on aspects of the dark side of the female mind to push a male-version of ‘feminism’ to encourage men to flat out despise anything female and to not even bother with trying to impress women. This is also fuelling conversions to Islam, particularly among the young men in Europe, which suits the enemy nicely.

Although the media insults incels as ‘the problem’ with men, barely there ‘normal’ men who are progressive or cowardly conservatives have also contributed to the downfall of a lot of women. They have no masculinity to speak of. Voting patterns based on ignorance and a basic denial of reality are just as prevalent among certain male cohorts. Things like the Muslim grooming gangs of England, France, Sweden and the USA have their roots in the 1970s to 1990s. In some cases, the police accommodated the abuse, even then choosing to align with Muslim men over their sisters.

The end result is a death sentence for society. No birth rate, no anything. The end result will be: increased artificiality, rape of women, pederasty and homosexual rape, more exploitation and a total explosion in subhumanity’s birth rates, plus Islam.

Young women tiring of endless isolation, peer whoredom and obscene demands like plastic surgery, as well as tired of being gawked at, may also turn to Islam in large numbers out of a misconstrued sense of needing security and maturity.

That is where Islam comes in…


[JG] Karnonnos