Pedophilia in Islam – Postscript

Mentally defective people in the West continue to make allowances and excuses for Islam and enable its pattern of child abuse, especially with the excuse that confronting Muslims on any act of child-destruction is ‘racism’.

So-called racism has been drilled into people’s heads as being worse than raping a child through endless propaganda streams and brainwashing.

We see this blatantly in the Rotherham case for instance, where abuse went on for fifty years. If England for example was such a ‘white supremacist’ society with every victim a verifiable Southern belle-in-waiting as leftists keep alleging, why was this allowed to continue for five decades?

Why were the exotic and ‘vulnerable’ perpetrators shielded from any and all recrimination against overwhelmingly white girls for so long? The authorities even burned the bloodied clothing of girls to destroy evidence.

The major investigator and and legal advocate of Rotherham girls in England had this response relayed back to her:

“She said you must never refer to that again. You must never refer to Asian men. And her other response was to book me on a two-day ethnicity and diversity course to raise my awareness of ethnic issues.”

This same investigator had her own evidence of crimes DELETED by employees of Risky Business, the same organization set up to stop trafficking of women and children and which employed her!

The pro-Islamic dhimmi mob of various skin colors, political beliefs and creeds are beginning to look more deranged than Muslims themselves.

One only must look at the aftermath of Lola Daviet being tortured to death by an Algerian lunatic, which many French leftists mocked with glee.

The judge of the Theresienbad case, where a boy’s colon was bisected by an Iraqi refugee raping him, shortened the sentence, saying, ‘let’s not get disproportionate.’ Anti-fascist feminists jumped for joy with this in an orgy of celebration. The perpetrator now has a wife and several children.

In regards to the rapist in Marseilles who raped a 12 year old boy in a playground and raped a 10 year old girl prior to that, the lawyer representing him claimed the Afghan rapist couldn’t be punished… as it was totally normal in his country.

It’s not just leftists either. For decades in France and more recently elsewhere, right-wingers and conservatives converge to lavish praises on Islam as a religion that will ‘restore society’ and destroy their enemies.

Even some elements of the far-right in France have flirted with glorifying Islamic pedophilia for decades.

Yet this idea of ‘tolerating the vitality of Islam’ has really taken off in response to vicious anti-life creeds like wokery. Secretly, the objective of converting Europe to another slave religion and mixing everyone together is more or less the entire reason that piece of shit called woke exists in the first place.

Increasingly, neither woke lunatics nor conservatives attack Islam, as their beliefs are just oriented around Pavlovian conditioning of getting one ‘up’ on the other side, while begging for a crumb from the Islamic hordes.

European children who are exposed to endless Muslims in school and often end up at their whims (one friend of mine, a teacher, told me that Muslims are pressuring endless kids to say the shahada) are now believing a lot of this as normal, while their ignorant parents know nothing and go on with their charmed lives full of bullshit.

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All of what has been exposed about pedophilia shows this religion changes nothing positively about people and nothing about the societies it infests. It locks people at a very low level of development where they are trapped. The levels of being trapped are not understood by Westerners.

In the Middle East itself, for some countries, the birthrate is falling faster than even those of Europe. Reports of deranged feminists who abuse children are leaking out of the woodwork. Xian propaganda is strongly pouring into Iran, where people exchange one lump of shit for another.

Many ‘ex-Muslims’ and others believe that apostasy from Islam consists of being like the most and vile ‘progressive’ Westerner.

Others, such as the so-called ‘indigenous feminists’ of France, align themselves with furthering Islamic interests and defending their racial brothers at any cost while they in their personal lives hypocritically indulge in the freedoms of being Western women.

This is no different to the type of insanity under late Rome, where women such as Serena indulged in every pleasure pagan Roman society afforded her and yet aided Christianity at knife point.

Convert to Islam and you will end at square one all over again, with your descendants being terrorized and treated like pieces of meat at best and sacrificial objects at worst. Your choice…

Traitors and cowards who allow this to continue will get what is owed.

We see where all this is going.

The fact is, this religion is not traditional or in exhibition of restraint whatsoever.

Islam is DEGENERATE and PORNOGRAPHIC SMUT just as much as any of the rainbow-haired bovine circus in the West, furthering anyone’s WORST INSTINCTS, a fact that should be obvious after reading this series.

Any religion of moderation would not need something like the burqa for little children in the first place. You don’t need a PhD in feminism to know that, not that most PhD holders in this think pushing kids into burqas is unreasonable.

Even if by some miracle it ‘didn’t make it worse’, it does not offer solutions: it traps people in cycles of viciously being abused and abusing others. Enough of this causes a meltdown in trust and a meltdown in society.

This nefarious program of enslaving and ruining children is hated and detested by our Gods. Only societies touched by the Gods after the Renaissance led to the respect of the rights of children at the hands of those who truly loved them, again, an uphill struggle in itself.

Satan stands for proper freedom. Interfering in someone’s true will with sex and ruining an innocent like a child incapable of sexual function is tantamount to desecration of holiness!

We believe the slavery of the vulnerable and innocent under all enemy programs must be EXTIRPATED AND DESTROYED from the face of the earth.

[JG] Karnonnos