The Quran’s Hatred of Women – Part III

إِن يَدۡعُونَ مِن دُونِهِۦٓ إِلَّآ إِنَٰثٗا وَإِن يَدۡعُونَ إِلَّا شَيۡطَٰنٗا مَّرِيدٗا   They (the Pagans) call upon instead of Him (Allah) none but female (deities), and they (actually) call upon none but a rebellious Satan. Quran 4:117   –   In short, those that pray to female Gods pray to none other than Satan himself. This is very revealing about a lot of things. …

The Quran’s Hatred of Women – Part I

To provide a preamble to this series, it doesn’t require total enlightenment to know the hatred of women is a core aspect of Islam. Simply looking at a Muslim woman tells a tale of oppression and indignity. After all, what is the veil they wear representative of? The Muslim woman’s place as little else other …

Islam and Male Genital Mutilation (Castration)

Castration is another endless feature of horrors in Islam that overlaps with the similar filth spread by Xians. Slavic (Saqaliba) and Nubian slave boys were often subjected to this practice, but many others were involved too. The purpose of these eunuchs was to serve as palace guards and courtiers, but also guardians of women, something …

Pedophilia in Islam – Postscript

Mentally defective people in the West continue to make allowances and excuses for Islam and enable its pattern of child abuse, especially with the excuse that confronting Muslims on any act of child-destruction is ‘racism’. So-called racism has been drilled into people’s heads as being worse than raping a child through endless propaganda streams and …

Pedophilia Against Girls

Pedophilia with girls is essentially a phenomenon in Islam and yet in comparison to that with boys, it is not visible nor recorded by history so blatantly, as even pre-menstrual girls are hidden away from sight. The majority of this info comes from the horse’s mouth. We have all seen pre-pubescent girls veiled from head-to-toe, …

Pedophilia Against Boys

A huge misconception by non-Muslims is that the only form of pedophilia towards boys in Islamic countries is so-called ‘bacha-bazi’ (the boy game). People are told to believe that this is a form of pedophilia contained to Afghanistan and Central Asia, being a ‘cultural practice’ of those regions in nature and nothing to do with …