Islamic Persecution of Hindus in Pakistan

The oppression of Hindus in Pakistan is as ugly as it is ignored on the world stage. Frequently, you’ll hear of India’s apparent mistreatment of Muslims reported in the media. Everyone, is of course, expected to sympathize with the Muslims and admonish India, regardless of the fact crimes a thousand times worse are being perpetuated …

How Did the Islamic World Become Islamic?

In nearly any history book you will find in English, usually it is relentlessly impressed on the reader that people in all lands the Muslims ruled converted to Islam voluntarily. After the Arab conquests of Persia, Syria, Egypt, the Maghreb, large swathes of Central Asia under the Rashidun Caliphate, people slowly came to embrace Islam …

How Muslims Deceive – Part I

Like the rest of its unholy brethren within Christianity and Judaism, Islam will often attempt to wear a mask of morality when presenting itself to the world. The unsuspecting Western fool may find themselves swindled into thinking Islam is really just a hippie religion of peace, love and tolerance if they keep their ears open …

The Truth About Jihad

Jihad is translated in Arabic as ‘exertion’. What this translates to is the exertion of Islam to propagate itself whether through internal or external behaviors. It is a huge part of Islam in general: that Muslims must uphold their faith and wage war to spread Islam to the four corners of the Earth. For example, …